Economic Development
Community Data Platforms seeks to support a stronger, smarter, and safer community through reliable data analytics. One aspect of our work is to understand community sentiment around critical issues by inviting community members to participate in surveys. These surveys are designed by skilled survey methodologists who use robust and reliable data science to analyze results. The aggregated (not individual) results are made available to the public. We invite you to participate in a Community Data Platforms Survey! It has been designed to support programs in your community. Please take the survey today and share it with colleagues, friends, and family.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a community survey?
It is a 10-minute, online survey designed to understand perceptions around important community issues. The survey was created by a team of data scientists and social scientists and is sponsored by Community Data Platforms, a company focused on providing reliable data analytics to local community leaders. The survey is a way to share insights on community topics in a safe, private, and anonymous way. Future surveys will cover other topics of interest to local leaders.
Who is eligible to take the survey?
Anyone 18 years of age or older. We encourage residents from ALL walks of life to complete it in order to capture the full range of experiences and perspectives.
Why should I participate?
This survey is an opportunity to reflect on your relationship with your community. Your opinions matter. The aggregated survey results and analysis will provide insights into how community members feel about vital issues, including what’s working well and where there is room for improvement.
Do we need another survey? Doesn’t the community survey residents all the time?
Your community has a pressing need to understand community sentiment and surveys are a convenient way to reach a wide array of stakeholders. We believe surveys are especially necessary to ensure that the needs of underrepresented groups are brought to light. Our surveys are unique for their rigorous methodological approach.
Will you protect my data and privacy?
YES. Data privacy is critical to Community Data Platforms and we encourage you to read our Data Privacy Policy. CDP follows industry best-practices to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your survey responses.